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These tests will help you fill out your "Know" Sections for you and your team. Do one at a time, and discuss them with your team. 

Find out how the DISC factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance predict your behavior towards others and the everyday things you do. This is a good place for you and your team to start. 

5-10 minutes to take

16 Personalities Test

Take this Personality Test and get a 'freakishly accurate' description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. This is a bit more complex that DISC and will broaden your view of each other. 

5-10 minutes to take

Personal Values Test
Personal Values Test

This test will help you get a handle on the values that are most important to you. 

This test will help you get a handle on the values that are most important to you. 

5-10 minutes to take

5-10 minutes to take

Short Strengths Test

This test will help you understand some of you top professional and personal strengths. 

5-10 minutes to take

Multiple Intelligences Test

This test will help you understand how you communicate and process information. This can help your team communicate better. It will help you understand why you process information in the way you do. 

5-10 minutes to take

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